Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Zombies and Preparedness

This video describes the growing movement and progression of Zombie themes within the Gun and Self Defense communities.  Zombies have been used also by the preparedness community as a metaphor for those who are unprepared, wandering, staggering souls determined to destroy you for merely being alive, because if you are alive, then you must have resources to keep you that way.  While in a disaster there are those who are looking to loot, steal, and destroy for their own carnal pleasures, I tend to think of them as wolves instead.  While there are dumb wolves out there, many wolves don't charge down their prey until they find the prey distracted, hurt, or otherwise compromised.  They are patient, and lurk in the shadows, waiting for an opportune moment.

There are many schools of thought of what will come to pass during a total collapse scenario, so I will try not to venture into speculation in this post.  I have lived in areas prone to natural disasters and have experienced my share, so my thoughts will tend to lean towards that aspect.  I like to think that living simply is one key to hiding from wolves or zombies, don't make your self a target.  This starts in peace time, or when you don't have disaster changing the status quo.  Keep your blinds closed or block the view through your windows in some way, so people outside can't see your valuables.  If they don't know you have anything valuable, they will go elsewhere, where they know they can find stuff.  Next, protect your home by installing good doors with good locks.  Growing up, one of my neighbors had a glass front door. While they haven't had a break in, probably because they follow the first rule by keeping fancy stuff out of the front room, if someone wanted to, they could get in very easily by breaking the glass in the door.  Also, if you live in storm country, weather could do the same thing to your door.  If you like animals, a dog is a nice zombie/wolf deterrent.  Even small yappy dogs will make enough noise to scare off many criminals, because they don't want you to respond. 

Some things not to do:
Don't buy the fake security alarm signs for your house or yard, thieves know which ones are fake.
Don't buy a gun just to scare off a burglar; if you have one be ready to use it.  You never know if they will call your bluff.
Don't give up.  Even if you have to send  a family member running to a neighbors house to call 911, keep trying.
Don't advertise being away from home on facebook.  Wait until you get home to tell everyone about your trip.  Thieves love reading that you are going on vacation, that means they will have "x" number of days to empty out your place.
Don't keep everything in one location.  That nice jewelry that you only use for special occasions, best not to have is on display in your master bedroom.  Get a nice safe and lock it away in a hard to reach location. 

Below is the link to some of my favorite youtubers about guns (and zombies):


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